Justin’s Current Business Ventures

Serve Me Right App.
Justin just launched his new customer service based App. Serve Me Right’s mission is to get customer service back and to give customer’s their voice back!
Company Overview
Serve Me Right is an App that takes your complaint or compliment regarding customer service and delivers it straight to the company that you are dealing with.
Serve Me Right gives the consumer now a louder voice with greater reach.
Serve Me Right was established out of pure frustration due to the lack of customer service in the market place today. Every business no matter big or small grows purely based upon the customer spending their hard earned money there. That being a fact then it’s about time the customer got serviced the way they deserve.
This isn’t about bagging out businesses, this is all about ensuring the customer is appreciated for who they are.
On top of that, we need to ensure good businesses and great staff are being recognised.